The solemn opening ceremony of the 6th International Congress of the World Society "Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan - the Foundation of a new Renaissance" has been held today, on July 23.
Aigul Mambetkaziyeva, Director of the Museum of Fine Arts named after G. Aitiev noted the importance of the Congress not only for Uzbekistan, but for the whole world:
"This large-scale event speaks not only of the huge organizational work, but also of a large program to consolidate professional scientists to study the heritage of the Uzbek people. The contribution of scientists to the study of the Uzbek heritage masterpieces testifies to the fact that this is the world’s heritage. Everything that is made by man is an accurate barometer and subtle instrument for the world to become tolerant and kind. This Congress just demonstrates this aspiration. I think that culture, art, education are the bridges that really build the future."
For reference: The Congress is attended by more than 250 world-famous scholars-orientalists: presidents of 5 international organizations, directors of museums and libraries from 34 countries, presidents of Academies of Sciences, Professors, art critics, analysts and representatives of national and international media. The World Society is founded by the project Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in the World Collections and received official registration in Paris in 2018. The general sponsor of the project is the oilfield service company Eriell Group.