Facsimile editions

The facsimile editions by the World Society for the Study, Preservation, and Popularization of the Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan meticulously reproduce the rarest specimens of unique ancient manuscripts with utmost accuracy.

Among them are the Kattalangar Koran, the "Zafarnama" (Book of Conquests) with miniatures by Kamoliddin Behzod, the "Divan-i Huseyni" (The Divan of Huseyn Bayqara), the "Mirajnama" (The Ascension), the "Timur Tuzuklari" (Memoirs of Timur), and the "Rauzat as-Safa fi Sirat al-Anbiya wa'l-Muluk wa'l-Khulafa" (The Garden of Purity on the Lives of the Prophets, Kings, and Caliphs). The collection will soon be enriched with two additional manuscripts: the "Asar al-Bakia" (Monuments of Past Generations) by Abu Rayhan Biruni, transcribed in the 13th century, and the "Manakib-i Amir Timur Sahibkiran" (The Chronicle of Amir Timur Sahibkiran) from 1619, which is the oldest known manuscript describing the life of Amir Timur.