Latest news of culture and art of Uzbekistan - WOSCU



50 Volumes of WOSCU Albums in the British Library's Collection

50 Volumes of WOSCU Albums in the British Library's Collection

The World Society for the Study, Preservation, and Promotion of Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan (WOSCU) has donated 50 volumes of the album series "Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in World Collections" to the British Library.

Orientalism in Russian fine art

Orientalism in Russian fine art

The beginning of the 20th century was not only a period of global social unrest and ups and downs in the evolution of society, and scientific discoveries, but also a period during which the understanding of what defines art was broadened, both in the sense of the attainment of new figurative, expressive and semantic concepts of development, as well as in the sense of its geographic interaction.

The Fergana school of calligraphy: personalia

The Fergana school of calligraphy: personalia

Zahiraddin Muhammad Babur was a famous statesman, commander, poet, historian, and calligrapher. Babur invented his own alphabet called Khatt-i Baburi.

Musical culture of Central Asia in the late Middle Ages

Musical culture of Central Asia in the late Middle Ages

The favorite venue for musicians were tea houses, which were widely spread in all cities and villages of Turkestan in the late 19th – early 20th centuries.

What do the symbols on coins from the Islamic period mean?

What do the symbols on coins from the Islamic period mean?

In the early 8th century, Khorezm was conquered by the Arabs.

Bukhara miniatures in the Louvre

Bukhara miniatures in the Louvre

The National Library of France and the Louvre Museum hold a significant portion of French collections of illuminated manuscripts from Khwarazm.

Gold embroidery patterns

Gold embroidery patterns

Patterns of gold-embroidered products are very diverse. These are mainly flowers on thin branches or round rosettes framed by branched stems.

When did ancient writing appear in the public library?

When did ancient writing appear in the public library?

In the 20s of the 20th century, remarkable collections of manuscripts from the Samarkand Scientific Research Institute, the Bukhara Library named after Ibn Sina, libraries of the Khiva Khans and some others were transferred to the Department of Oriental Manuscripts.

Representatives of the Khorezm school of calligraphy

Representatives of the Khorezm school of calligraphy

Hamdami (first half of the 16th century) was a talented poet and master of Nasta’liq script.

Risala-yi Mehtarlik - the statute of musicians

Risala-yi Mehtarlik - the statute of musicians

In the cities of Central Asia and Uzbekistan, ordinary musicians-instrumentalists formed special guilds (corporations) like other organizations of artisans during that epoch.

What types of wool products existed on the territory of Uzbekistan?

What types of wool products existed on the territory of Uzbekistan?

The exhibition of the State Museum of Arts presents carpets from the 19th – 20th centuries from Andijan, Samarkand, Qashqadaryo, Surxondaryo, Bukhara and the lower reaches of the Amu Darya.

What did masters-charmaduzes make from leather?

What did masters-charmaduzes make from leather?

In the applied art of Uzbekistan, a certain place was occupied by artistically decorated leather products.

The Louvre Museum has enriched its collection with valuable publications on the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan

The Louvre Museum has enriched its collection with valuable publications on the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan

A ceremonial handover took place in Paris, where 50 volumes from the series "Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in World Collections" were donated to the Louvre Museum.

How did the State library collect manuscripts at the beginning of the 20th century?

How did the State library collect manuscripts at the beginning of the 20th century?

Until 1917, the State Public Library did not have the financial ability to purchase manuscripts.

Mosque with an inscription of name of the Prophet Muhammad and four caliphs

Mosque with an inscription of name of the Prophet Muhammad and four caliphs

There are poorly preserved inscriptions inside the arched niche.

What techniques and types of composition exist in gold embroidery?

What techniques and types of composition exist in gold embroidery?

The unique technique of gold embroidery was developed and improved by many generations of craftsmen.

Basic materials for gold embroidery

Basic materials for gold embroidery

In the 20th century products of this type are beginning to be produced in Samarkand, Urgut, Tashkent, Gijduvan and other cities.

Silverware of Central Asian origin, stored in the Hermitage

Silverware of Central Asian origin, stored in the Hermitage

This book-album includes two famous items from the variety of music-themed metal artworks stored in the Hermitage.

Farhad’s sea journey

Farhad’s sea journey

Works of both Navoi and other poets more often they were copied into separate books, but sometimes kulliyot collections were compiled from different works.

Photo of young Sayyid Muhammad Rahim taken shortly after the signing of the peace treaty

Photo of young Sayyid Muhammad Rahim taken shortly after the signing of the peace treaty

The first photographs of the ruling elite of the khanates of Khiva, including the portrait of the Khan himself – Sayyid Muhammad Rahim Bahadur II (1845 – 1910), were taken by Ye. G. Krivtsov in 1873, shortly after the Khan signed a peace treaty with Russia.

How has maqom art transformed?

How has maqom art transformed?

The most important historical musical event of this period (18th–19th centuries) was when new forms of maqomat (the classical music of Central Asia, i.e. of the Bukharian Shashmaqom, Ferghana and Tashkent melodies and Khorezmian “Six and a Half Maqoms,” also now called “Khorezmian Maqoms”) were created in the palace practices of the Bukhara, Khiva and Kokand khanates.

Music of the 18th – 19th centuries on the territory of Uzbekistan

Music of the 18th – 19th centuries on the territory of Uzbekistan

There was a tendency towards the democratization of musical life during this period as a whole.

Floral motifs symbolizing fertility

Floral motifs symbolizing fertility

The art of embroidery in Uzbekistan inherits the rich traditions of this ancient craft that have developed in the region.

What patterns were printed on fabrics in Uzbekistan in the 19th-20th centuries?

What patterns were printed on fabrics in Uzbekistan in the 19th-20th centuries?

The individuality of the master was expressed in the process of creating a pattern, in his ability to select and compose a kolyb.

When did the Central Asian avant-garde begin?

When did the Central Asian avant-garde begin?

In the 1920s, a national school of fine arts began to take shape in Uzbekistan.

Reasons for the emergence of local musical styles in Central Asia

Reasons for the emergence of local musical styles in Central Asia

Starting from the 16th century, local musical styles and areas of musical culture begin to form with increasing intensity in Central Asia in the territory of Uzbekistan, caused by the formation of Uzbek khanates of Bukhara, Kokand and Khiva.

When did the State Library become the Central Repository of Oriental Manuscripts?

When did the State Library become the Central Repository of Oriental Manuscripts?

By the decision of the government of Uzbekistan, the State Public Library in Tashkent was declared the Central repository of oriental manuscripts of the republic in 1933.

Famous works of Maulana Kaukabi

Famous works of Maulana Kaukabi

Dozens of well-known and anonymous writings on musical science created in Bukhara, Khorezm, Maverannahr, India, Iran and the Ottoman Empire contain references or citations from Kaukabi‘s works.

Painting and graphics of Uzbekistan in the second half of the 1980s – early 1990s

Painting and graphics of Uzbekistan in the second half of the 1980s – early 1990s

Continuity of generations, deep spiritual searches and comprehension of the creative achievements of the previous stage is typical for the generation of Uzbek artists who came to art or found their style in art in the second half of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s.

What was naqqarakhana?

What was naqqarakhana?

Another interesting phenomenon of the musical culture of that time – ceremonial court music – which, as before, consisted of performances by a special military ensemble, is called naqqarakhana.

The unique Juzes from the Manuscript Fund of the National Library of Uzbekistan

The unique Juzes from the Manuscript Fund of the National Library of Uzbekistan

The National Library of Uzbekistan's manuscript collection houses unique handwritten juz' (parts) of the Quran.

Firdavs Abdukhalikov appointed Director of the Center of Islamic Civilization

Firdavs Abdukhalikov appointed Director of the Center of Islamic Civilization

Firdavs Abdukhalikov will also continue his role as Chairman of the Board of the World Society for the Study, Preservation, and Popularization of Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan (WOSCU).

How were patterns applied to fabrics in Uzbekistan in the 19th-20th centuries?

How were patterns applied to fabrics in Uzbekistan in the 19th-20th centuries?

The art of printed cloth is not just patterned bedspreads, but also carved stamps – kolyb, with the help of which the pattern was applied to the fabric.

What characterizes the work of artists of Uzbekistan in the 1970s – the first half of the 1980s?

What characterizes the work of artists of Uzbekistan in the 1970s – the first half of the 1980s?

Painting of Uzbekistan in 1970 – the first half of the 1980s is distinguished by the diversity and mutual influence of artistic and stylistic trends, the appeal to a wide range of traditions, the evolution of the genre structure, a broad thematic circle, the diversity of creative individuals.

When did the Institute of interns appear at the State Library of Uzbekistan?

When did the Institute of interns appear at the State Library of Uzbekistan?

The institute of interns began to function at the Eastern Department of the State Public Library of Uzbekistan in July 1925.

Do you know what belbok and sarandoz are?

Do you know what belbok and sarandoz are?

The State Museum of Arts exhibits such types of small-scale embroidery as oina-khalta and shona-khalta (bags for mirrors and drummers), kyiikcha, mienband, chorsu and belbok (types of men’s belt shawls), duppi (skullcaps), sarpokkun, koziklungi and tanpokkun (towels with embroidered ends), bugzhoma (cloth for wrapping dresses), sarandoz and rumoli- peshonaband (women’s shawls and hats), dast rumol (handkerchiefs), jiaki – embroidered braid to decorate clothing items, etc.