When did the Khorasan school of Sufism appear?


When did the Khorasan school of Sufism appear?

Starting in the 10th – 11th centuries, Sufi mystic teaching (tasavvuf) originating from Islam, with its expressive musical and poetic forms, begins to develop parallel to the secular tradition.

When did the Khorasan school of Sufism appear?

The major Khorasan school of Sufism was formed in the immediate vicinity of Mawarannahr. Its ritual practices integrating music, singing and dancing also began its spread throughout Central Asia. With it comes the new specialization of professional Sufi declaiming singers called kawwal, and new types of Sufi “music making”: sama, zikr and raqs.

Issues of “listening” are subject to analysis in special works by Sufi sheiks, who were both supporters and adversaries of the usage of music. This process serves as the catalyst for the secular and spiritual Sufi practices and theories interacting and influencing each other.

You can learn more about the topic in the book-album "The Musical Legacy of Uzbekistan in Collections of the Russian Federation" (Volume VI) from the series "Cultural legacy of Uzbekistan in the world collections". 

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