Works written in the time of a passionate falconer Jalal al-din Akbar of the Baburid Dynasty


Works written in the time of a passionate falconer Jalal al-din Akbar of the Baburid Dynasty

The collection of manuscripts on vetinary medicine of The al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences includes manuscripts of works on hippology, the treatment of birds and hunting (a total of 49 units).

“Baz-nama” (The Book about a Falcon) manuscripts dominate in number, and there are several works written in the time of Jalal al-din Akbar of the Baburid Dynasty, who was a passionate falconer.

“Shikar-nama” is similar in content to “Baz-nama”, the book about hunting. The manuscripts include colorful copies illuminated with miniatures, such as “Shikar-nama-i Ilkhani” (The Book of llkhan’s Hunting) by Ali ibn al-Mansur al-Hawafi (14th century), and “Kitab-i saydiya” (The Book of Hunting) by Shaykh al-Islam al-Harawi al-Samarqandi (16th century) compiled for the Sultan Badi ‘al-Zaman. The earliest of its seven folios dates from 1553.

You can learn more about this topic in the book-album “The Collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental studies, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (part two, “Miniature and Calligraphy”) (Volume XXII) from the series "Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in the World Collections".

The main sponsor of the project is the oilfield services company Eriell-Group.

Works written in the time of a passionate falconer Jalal al-din Akbar of the Baburid Dynasty
Works written in the time of a passionate falconer Jalal al-din Akbar of the Baburid Dynasty
Works written in the time of a passionate falconer Jalal al-din Akbar of the Baburid Dynasty
Works written in the time of a passionate falconer Jalal al-din Akbar of the Baburid Dynasty
Works written in the time of a passionate falconer Jalal al-din Akbar of the Baburid Dynasty
Works written in the time of a passionate falconer Jalal al-din Akbar of the Baburid Dynasty
Works written in the time of a passionate falconer Jalal al-din Akbar of the Baburid Dynasty
Works written in the time of a passionate falconer Jalal al-din Akbar of the Baburid Dynasty