"Qarabadin" works created in India


"Qarabadin" works created in India

The al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan was founded in 1943 on the basis of the Oriental Department of the State Public Library of Uzbekistan (now the Alisher Navoi National Library).

In 1957, the Institute was named after the great medieval scholar and encyclopaedist Abu Rayhan al-Biruni. Nowadays, the depository keeps several collections.

There is sufficient material available for those interested in Indian pharmacopeias of the 17th – 18th centuries. These include two pharmacopeias by Taqi al-din Muhammad (17th century); a rare copy “Umm al-’ilaj” (Basics of Treatment) by ‘Aman Allah, a court doctor for Nur al-din Muhammad (1605 – 1628) from the Baburid Dynasty; popular pharmacopeias by the above-mentioned Muhammad Akbar “Qarabadin-i Qadiri” (Pharmacopeia of Qadir), dedicated to the author’s mentor, Sayyid ‘Abd al-Qadir Gilani (in 12 copies, the earliest dating to 1783); “Mujarrabat-i Akbari” (Tried and True Means of Akbar) in two copies of the 19th century; a rare copy titled“Majmu’a-i Baqa’i” (The Collection of Baqai) by Muhammad Isma’il Baqa’i (18th century).

There are manuscripts of two works written by the royal persons such as “Manafi’ al-insan” ([Substances] Useful for Humans) in Uzbek by the Khivan khan Abu-l-Ghazikhan (1643 – 1663) and “Ihya’ al-tibb-i Subhani” (Subkhan-quli’s Revival of Medicine) by the ruler of Mawarannahr Sayyid Subkhanquli Bahadur khan from the Ashtarkhanid Dynasty (1680 – 1702). There is one more autograph of the aforementioned Basitkhan Shashi represented in the pharmacopeia titled “Fawa’id al-adwiya wa mawa’id al-aghziya” (Benefits of Drugs and Supporting [a Body] with Food).

You can learn more about this topic in the book-album “The Collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental studies, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (part two, “Miniature and Calligraphy”) (Volume XXII) from the series "Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in the World Collections".

The main sponsor of the project is the oilfield services company Eriell-Group.

"Qarabadin" works created in India
"Qarabadin" works created in India
"Qarabadin" works created in India
"Qarabadin" works created in India
"Qarabadin" works created in India
"Qarabadin" works created in India