How did the wearing of headscarves change with age among women residents of Tashkent?


How did the wearing of headscarves change with age among women residents of Tashkent?

Virgins’ scarves had bright colors, primarily red; their ends were tied over the nape; until the late 19th century, the scarves of young women were of white muslin with an embroidered corner shaped like a fringe.

They were embroidered using various techniques (duruya-stitch, yurma stitch, and sanama iroqi criss-crossing). This type of scarves was worn until the birth of two-three children and was then replaced with a white scarf with no embroidery. Young women wore two scarves simultaneously. A big scarf was folded in half diagonally and was place over the head in a way that the ends hung on the breast, and then a durra, a medium-sized colored scarf folded several times in a way that would mimic a high tiara, was worn on top of the big scarf. 

Older women would wear the first scarf in a way that its ends would hand along the back. Elderly women wore three headscarves at the same time: the first one had an opening for the face and covered the breast and the back; on top of it, they would wear another scarf over the forehead, which would then be covered with a dakana or loki turban.

You will find more examples of national Uzbek clothes in the book-album "Traditional Uzbek costume on materials of museum and private collections of Uzbekistan (Part 1)" (volume XLVIII) from the series "Cultural legacy of Uzbekistan in the world collections."

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