Islamic Heritage: New Discoveries and Projects

Islamic Heritage: New Discoveries and Projects

Dr. Shakir Salah

Deputy Director of the Association of the Islamic World:

—  Thank you for inviting me to the Congress.  We got acquainted with the complex of Imam al-Bukhari.  By preserving the legacy of ancestors,  Uzbekistan today calls on all representatives of the Islamic world to unite.  Because Imam al-Bukhari is an authoritative figure in the Islamic world.  A deep study of his scientific work will bring new knowledge to the world.  Of course, it is gratifying that the leadership of Uzbekistan is opening the way for such great things.

Dr. Mohd Al Adib bin Samuri

Deputy Director of the Institute of Islamic Civilization at the National University of Malaysia:

— I suggested creating an animated film about the life of Imam al-Bukhari.  It will be aimed at a young audience and will be beneficial for children of Uzbekistan and the whole world.

Young people should understand and appreciate historical figures like Imam al-Bukhari. Through animated films, it is possible to popularize the life of Imam al-Bukhari.  This will allow young people to learn to respect knowledge and accept it, wherever they may be.

Dr. Karim Ifrak,

Project Director,  National Center for Scientific Research of France:

—  Uzbekistan holds the oldest and rarest manuscripts of the Quran. The Uthmanic Quran and the Kattalangar Quran, copied by an unknown calligrapher in the 8th century AD, are very rare copies.  In addition, there is a Quran from the time of Amir Timur.  Some of their pages are kept in museums and libraries in France, America, and Qatar.  Today at the congress, a video of the project titled "114 Qurans" was shown. It was announced that copies of the Quran kept in different state museums will be combined into one edition and a new facsimile copy will be printed.  This is a great work. Then it will be possible to preserve all the work done, the research conducted, in one source and make it accessible to everyone.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the leader of Uzbekistan for his efforts in conveying the true essence of Islam to the international community.

The Center for Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan, being built under the leadership of the President, will in the future be a symbol of pride and honor for those peoples who value peace and knowledge.