Why are there few historical photographs of Uzbeks?

Why are there few historical photographs of Uzbeks?

Historical photographs depict people from various ethnicities who lived in the territory of modern Uzbekistan.

These images are scarce, but they often serve as some of the earliest documentary evidence of the physical appearance and distinctive features of the traditional clothing of these peoples.

There are also few portrait photographs of Uzbeks, either individual or group. This is partly due to the prejudice of the Muslim population, particularly more conservative city dwellers, against depicting people, making it difficult for photographers to find willing subjects for portraits.

Female portraits were particularly challenging, as Uzbek women could not expose their faces to strangers. To showcase women's clothing, for example, photographers had to resort to models wearing traditional Uzbek attire. It was also important for photographers to capture Uzbeks within the "context" of their culture, i.e., during activities, interactions, or against traditional architectural and natural landscapes, except for specific anthropological photographs.

You can learn more about the topic in the book-album “Uzbekistan in historic photographs of the 19th - early 20th centuries in the collections of Russian archives” (Volume XXXVII) in the series “Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan”. 

The main sponsor of the project is the oil service company Eriell-Group.

Why are there few historical photographs of Uzbeks?