Representatives of the Khorezm school of calligraphy

Representatives of the Khorezm school of calligraphy

Hamdami (first half of the 16th century) was a talented poet and master of Nasta’liq script.

Representatives of the Khorezm school of calligraphy

He transcribed the “Shah-nama” (The Book of Kings) by Firdawsi in Nasta’liq script by the order of Khorezmian khan Ish-Muhammad-khan Sultan in 1554 (Inventory No. 1811). 

Mawlana ’Abdarrahman Khwarazmi was a calligrapher in 1455-1475. His two sons, ’Abdarrahim Anisi and ’Abdalkarim, altered his writing style and became wellknown for that. 

Munis Khwarazmi was born in 1778 in the outskirts of Khiva. He was a famous poet, historian, translator and excellent calligrapher (Inventory Nos. 821, 1330). 

Khudaybirgan Muhrkan Khiwaqi was the son of Muhammad Fana. He was born in Babakarwanbashi, Yangi qal’a mahalla (quarter) in 1817. He was interested not only in calligraphy but also in the art of stamp making (Inventory Nos. 1135, 1154, 9319, and 9578).

Kamil Khwarazmi was a poet, calligrapher and artist, specialist in ornaments (naqqash) and occupied a special place in the Khiva literature life in the second half of the 19th century (Inventory No. 1135).

You can learn more about this topic in the book-album “The Collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental studies, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (part five, “Miniature and Calligraphy”) (Volume XXV) from the series "The Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan". 

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