What inscriptions are on the wall of a unique architectural structure - the crypt of Amir Temur in Shahrisabz?


What inscriptions are on the wall of a unique architectural structure - the crypt of Amir Temur in Shahrisabz?

Thirty-five meters to the east of the remains of the entrance portal of Hazrat-I Imam architectural complex, the main monument of the Dar us-Sadat architectural complex in the city of Shahrisabz, Kashkadarya region, there is a tomb which experts believe Amir Temur had prepared for himself.

What inscriptions are on the wall of a unique architectural structure - the crypt of Amir Temur in Shahrisabz?

The monument is a unique architectural structure.

Y. Gulyamov was the first scholar to study the texts inside the crypt, in 1933, and later, in 1942, the monument became the object of research by M. Masson and G. Pugachenkova, who wrote that «The crypt, intended for a single burial, is striking in its severe solidity and extraordinary splendor».

Wall inscriptions are written in thuluth scripts and contain fragments from the Quran. The message begins in the west niche of the crypt and continues through the other niches. Suras of the Quran which have been identified: al-Fatiha, al-Mulk, 255 verses of Sura al-Baqarah, some invocations (du'a), the names of Allah (al-asma, alhusna), as well formulas for praising Allah typical of such monuments ( سُبحَْانَ اللَّ وَالحَْمْدُ لَِ وَلا إلِهََ إلِا اللَّ وَاللَّ أكَْبرَُ ). The latter are identified as prayers that are traditionally said for the repose of a soul, «The Piety Prayer» (Kunut) and others.

You can learn more about the topic in the book-album "Architectural epigraphy of Uzbekistan. Qashqadaryo, Shahrisabz" of the series "Architectural epigraphy of Uzbekistan".