The name is repeatedly mentioned in the inscriptions of the mausoleum where the Temurid prince is buried


The name is repeatedly mentioned in the inscriptions of the mausoleum where the Temurid prince is buried

According to the conclusion of the researchers, the entire surface of the west facade of the mausoleum in the architectural district of Dar us-Sadat, located in Shahrisabz, Kashkadarya region, where the Temurid prince Jahangir Mirza was buried, was finished with a geometric design: monumental epigraphic compositions in kufic bannayi script.

 On the wall we can see uncovered holes in which building timber was placed. It seems like this part of the facing was never completed. Judging from the remains, all the monumental composition was repeating texts arranged in rhombuses placed one on top of another and framed with violet bands. The repeating texts inside the rhombuses are done with turquoise glazed little bricks with ultramarine bands inside the letters. 

The inscription inside the upper (from the remains) rhombus is mostly destroyed, though one can easily understand that it contained the name محمد – Muhammad.

You can learn more about the topic in the book-album "Architectural epigraphy of Uzbekistan. Qashqadaryo, Shahrisabz" of the series "Architectural epigraphy of Uzbekistan".

The name is repeatedly mentioned in the inscriptions of the mausoleum where the Temurid prince is buried