A delegei, kulakshin and other winter headdresses of the Karakalpaks


A delegei, kulakshin and other winter headdresses of the Karakalpaks

Among the main headdresses of the Karakalpaks were little round caps of black velvet on quilted or fur lining with a narrow black rim of smooth fur as well as caps with a high crown trimmed with fox fur.

Another common headdress of the late 19th – early 20th century was a delegei, a crown which was made of smooth woolen cloth, and on the crown, it was decorated with lamb fur. Also they wore caps with earflaps, kulakshin, with fur trim. Karakalpaks’ turban was a headdress for the clergy. It was made of cotton and wool blend fabrics.

You will find more examples of national Uzbek clothes in the book-album "Traditional Uzbek costume on materials of museum and private collections of Uzbekistan (Part 2)" (volume XLIX) from the series "Cultural legacy of Uzbekistan in the world collections".

The general sponsor of the project is the oilfield services company Eriell-Group.

A delegei,  kulakshin and other winter headdresses of the Karakalpaks