By the sides of its parts were sewn beads down to the shoulders and chest – there are three bundles of colored beads boydasy, finishing decoration of saukele. To the back part of saukele fastened a long tail – a rectangular embroidered strip of cloth halyk played a role decoration for plait. Vertical lines of which resembled to fold peacock’s tail.
You will find more examples of national Uzbek clothes in the book-album "Traditional Uzbek costume on materials of museum and private collections of Uzbekistan (Part 2)" (volume XLIX) from the series "Cultural legacy of Uzbekistan in the world collections".
The general sponsor of the project is the oilfield services company Eriell-Group.
How was the saukele decorated?
Saukele frontlet and ear-flap parts were richly decorated by gilt and silver patterned plates, pendants, coral and colored stones.