Art historians who made a great contribution to the development of the State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan


Art historians who made a great contribution to the development of the State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan

In the 1980s, the inventory of the Museum was still growing, mainly by works of Uzbek folk master craftsmen and artists.

As a result of trips to the Qashqadaryo and Surxondaryo regions, a large collection of 82 items was gathered, which allowed some light to be shed on the nature of the folk art of southern Uzbekistan. New samples representing the art of the Fergana Valley were purchased.

The active work of the Museum found a distinctive reflection in the books published by the remarkable art historian S. M. Krukovskaya, a research associate of the Museum. She published a number of scientific and popular science books and articles devoted to folk masters and artists of Uzbekistan, as well as to the city of Kokand. Her famous popular science book about the Museum, “In the World of Treasures”, was published in Uzbekistan twice.

It is worth mentioning such art historians who have made a great contribution to its development, such as I. Morozova and Svetlana Minasyan (deputy directors for science), R. Yeremyan (Department of Soviet Art), D. Umarbekova and O. Alimdzhanova (Department of Applied Art), K. Mamurova and F. Umurzakova (Department of the East), E. Nikiforova, N. Obidova and I. Tokmakova (Russian Department), T. Nuritdinova (Department of Archaeology), T. Mustakimova and Z. Gulyamov (Department of Accounting).

You can learn more about this topic in the book-album “The Collection of the State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan”  (Volume XIII) from the series “Cultural legacy of Uzbekistan in the world collections”.

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