Who is buried in one of the oldest mausoleums in Shahi-Zindah?


Who is buried in one of the oldest mausoleums in Shahi-Zindah?

One more mausoleum of the 14th century adjacent to the Khoja (Khwaja) Ahmad mausoleum (from the east) has survived on the site of the «Northern courtyard» of the Shahi- Zindah memorial complex.

A date of its construction, 762 [1360–1361], has remained in the magnificent inscriptions on the portal. Judging by the same inscriptions (by the remains of the benevolent formula), the mausoleum had been dedicated to some woman about whom no data have preserved. According to the archeological and anthropological research, a woman and a child were buried in the sepulchral structures (saghana) existing inside the mausoleum. Judging by the local legends, Qutluq Aqo, one of Amir Temur’s wives, had been buried in this mausoleum and the building is known just under this name.

The mausoleum was magnificently decorated. It is particularly notable for its impressive epigraphy. Its portal and interior are faced with carved glazed terracotta and in this respect its decoration is very close to the style of the décor used in the ornamentation of the Khoja Ahmad mausoleum. However, due to the variety of colors used and with respect to the styles of patterns, the Tuman Aqo mausoleum looks more graceful and beautiful.

You can read more about the inscriptions on the buildings of the memorial ensemble in the book-album “Samarkand. Shakhi-Zinda” series “Architectural epigraphy of Uzbekistan”.

The general sponsor of the project is the oilfield services company Eriell-Group.

Who is buried in one of the oldest mausoleums in Shahi-Zindah?