What is this «a very tall construction» mentioned in the Zafarnama by Sharaf ad-din ‘Ali Yazdi, and where is it located?


What is this «a very tall construction» mentioned in the Zafarnama by Sharaf ad-din ‘Ali Yazdi, and where is it located?

According to researchers of the project “The Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in the World Collections”, information from the sources that claim that the Jahangir (or Khazrati Imam) mausoleum (the main monument of the architectural complex “Dar us-sadat”, located in the south eastern part of the city of Shahrisabz, Qashqadaryo region) was the burial place for Amir Temur's heir – Mirzo Jahangir – should be considered more reliable.

After his death in the 777 AH (1376 AD), according to Muhammad-Khaidar, «a special and a very beautiful mausoleum was built for him.» An earlier historian of Amir Temur and the first Temurids – Sharaf ad-din ‘Ali Yazdi – also mentioned this building and called it «a very tall construction".

You can learn more about the topic in the book-album "Architectural epigraphy of Uzbekistan. Qashqadaryo, Shahrisabz" of the series "Architectural epigraphy of Uzbekistan".

The main sponsor of the project is the oilfield services company Eriell-Group.

What is this «a very tall construction» mentioned in the Zafarnama by Sharaf ad-din ‘Ali Yazdi, and where is it located?