"Breathing New Life into Our Cultural Heritage"


"Breathing New Life into Our Cultural Heritage"

A report by the "Zamon" news program of the "Sevimli" TV channel.

The book albums published by the World Society for the Study, Preservation and Popularization of the Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan are a spiritual source of inspiration for our people.This extensive series of books helps to familiarize closely with artifacts and manuscripts related to our history.

The Uzbek intelligentsia has also made a significant contribution to compiling and publishing books. This topic will be continued by our correspondent Ilyor Gurugliev.

Like many scholars, under the pen of Abdumajid Madrakhimov, miniature and book art have been given new life. His scientific works have revealed not only the aesthetic aspects but also the spiritual and historical significance of these arts. Thanks to his research, we can better understand the place of miniatures and books in Uzbek culture.

"It is known that the covers of these manuscripts were as beautiful as the gates of paradise. The variety of patterns inside is like a bundle of pearls. The poems are placed in a table, decorated with gilding on the borders and even between the lines. Overall, the manuscripts created during the Timurid period are considered the most unique works of art in the world" - said Abdumajid Madrakhimov.

Alongside his scientific work, Madrakhimov's numerous efforts to present Uzbek culture to the world showcase the rich and colorful nature of Uzbek cultural heritage. These aspects are even more apparent in his participation in a series of book-albums collected and published by the World Society for the Study, Preservation and Popularization of the Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan. According to him, Uzbekistan's cultural heritage is an inspiring theme not only for the country's scientists but also for the global scientific community.

"The Institute of Oriental Studies holds about 30,000 volumes of manuscript books, and the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts in St. Petersburg has more than 100,000 manuscripts. On one hand, we are proud that our books are there and studied by the whole world. On the other hand, these books are now published, and our compatriots can read them. A presentation of 70 book-albums was recently conducted, and 13 previous books were reissued. Publishing a single book or article is already hard work. Those who have done such great work can only be thanked" - Abdumajid Madrakhimov stated.

He highlighted that the 70 published volumes are just a drop in the ocean compared to the country's overall cultural wealth and its vast and truly rich history. Yet, much remains unexplored, unstudied, and unpublicized. The World Society calls on scientists, art critics, and scholars to unite for a common goal in this direction.

"The initiative to study and preserve cultural heritage in foreign collections, and the execution of such a large project, is commendable. Discovering a single book for research or finding information represents a significant treasure. These book-albums, encapsulating artifacts created by our ancestors and housed in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, the Russian National Library, and the British Museum, have become a mandatory program for researchers in this field," noted Madrakhimov.

With the help of scholars like Abdumajid Madrakhimov, we continue to uncover the wealth and diversity of Uzbek culture, guiding us in exploring the rich and mysterious history of our ancestors. - Ilyor Gurugliev, Bobur Yoldoshev for the "Zamon" news program.