To whom was the palace library of ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Khan inherited?


To whom was the palace library of ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Khan inherited?

According to historical sources, the court kitabkhana of ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Khan was inherited over time by his brother Subkhan-Quli Khan.

To whom was the palace library of ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Khan inherited?

This was first written about by O.F. Akimushkin and A.A. Ivanov. About a dozen handwritten books and individual miniatures have been preserved, which can be attributed more or less certainly to the production of this workshop. Five of them are dated, and most definitely originate from there. 

The earliest one is a “Bustan” by Sa‘di, copied by Nasir the kitabdar (librarian) for ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Bahadur Khan in 1059 / 1649 and stored in Dublin. The margins of this book are decorated with gold ornaments and paintings; however, it is not clear when. The artist Farhad signed his name on one such painting. The same artist, along with Muhammad Muqim, participated in the work on Nizami’s Quintet, which was completed in the month of Ramadan, 1064 / June, 1656 under the guidance of khwaja Lutf Allah.

You can learn more about the topic in the book-album "Arts of the book in the 15th–17th-century Mawarannahr" (Volume XVII) in the series "Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in the World Collections". 

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