When did Bukhara become the center of Shibanid rulers?


When did Bukhara become the center of Shibanid rulers?

Since the middle 1530s Bukhara became the residence of the supreme ruler of the Shibanids.

Herati calligraphy masters worked at the court of ‘Abd al-Aziz Khan (r. 1539 – 1550), among them Mir ‘Ali al-Husaini al-Haravi al-katib al-khaqani, who was brought to Bukhara in 1529 and died there in 1544. Sultan-Muhammad Nur, disciple of Sultan-‘Ali Mashhadi, also spent some time in Bukhara.

In the late 16th century, the arts of the book in Mawarannahr achieved a high level of accomplishment in the court workshops of the last ruler of the Shaybanid dynasty, ‘Abd Allah Khan II (1557 – 1599). Beautifully decorated illustrated copies of Persian literary works, mostly by Sa‘di and Jami, were created there; notably, not so much in large collections – Kulliyats or Quintets, as in separate poems.

You can learn more about the topic in the book-album "Arts of the book in the 15th–17th-century Mawarannahr" (Volume XVII) in the series "Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in the World Collections". 

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When did Bukhara become the center of Shibanid rulers?