Herati calligraphy masters worked at the court of ‘Abd al-Aziz Khan (r. 1539 – 1550), among them Mir ‘Ali al-Husaini al-Haravi al-katib al-khaqani, who was brought to Bukhara in 1529 and died there in 1544. Sultan-Muhammad Nur, disciple of Sultan-‘Ali Mashhadi, also spent some time in Bukhara.
In the late 16th century, the arts of the book in Mawarannahr achieved a high level of accomplishment in the court workshops of the last ruler of the Shaybanid dynasty, ‘Abd Allah Khan II (1557 – 1599). Beautifully decorated illustrated copies of Persian literary works, mostly by Sa‘di and Jami, were created there; notably, not so much in large collections – Kulliyats or Quintets, as in separate poems.
You can learn more about the topic in the book-album "Arts of the book in the 15th–17th-century Mawarannahr" (Volume XVII) in the series "Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in the World Collections".
The main sponsor of the project is the oilfield services company Eriell-Group.
When did Bukhara become the center of Shibanid rulers?
Since the middle 1530s Bukhara became the residence of the supreme ruler of the Shibanids.