February 9 is the birthday of Alisher Navoi

February 9 is the birthday of Alisher Navoi

Alisher Navoi became famous throughout the Muslim East during his lifetime; his fame reached China and Khorasan, Shiraz and Tabriz.

The works of Alisher Navoi have been translated into many languages   of the world.

Alisher Navoi is recognized not only as a great poet, but also as a true patron of the culture and art of his time. He built a number of madrasahs, 40 robots (the place where Karavan could have a little rest), 17 mosques, 10 honaqohs, 9 bath-houses, 9 bridges, 20 pools in Herat and in other parts of the country for his own money. Among them are the Ikhlosiya and Nizomiya madrassas in Herat, the Khalosiya khanagas, the Shifaya hospital, the Darul-Khufaz building for Koran readers, the Khusrawiya madrassah in Marw, the Darul-Khufaz charitable building in Mashhad and there are other unique architectural monuments.