Musical instruments that came from Tashkent to the Czech Republic‌‌

Musical instruments that came from Tashkent to the Czech Republic‌‌

The small collection of musical instruments at the Náprstek Museum is represented by membranophones, chordophones and airphones from Tashkent.

There are nagoras and doiras, acquired in 1892, as well as a tanbur, dutar and koshnay, dating back to the second half of the 20th century.

Percussive instruments included doira and nagora. The doira tambourine was an accompanying instrument for singing. It was usually used in puppet shows and dance performances, both at a royal court and in ordinary households. Nagora could consist of a pair of drums of different sizes. The larger drum made a strong sound, the smaller one – a high sound. A pair of such drums was part of a musical ensemble. A large-sized nagora with a characteristic strong sound was a signal drum announcing the departure or arrival of a khan or an emir.

You can learn more about the topic in the book-album "The Collection of the Czech Republic" (Volume XVI) in the series "Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in the World Collections".

The main sponsor of the project is the oilfield services company Eriell-Group.

Musical instruments that came from Tashkent to the Czech Republic‌‌
Musical instruments that came from Tashkent to the Czech Republic‌‌